
Honshu 1917 Hybrid Cutlass

From fantasy swords and Medieval swords to Samurai katanas and twin sword sets, KENNESAWCUTLERY.com stocks more swords than anywhere else on the internet and brand new stock is added almost daily! Whether you’re a collector or a first-time buyer, you’ll find what you’re looking for. We have premium stainless steel and T10 steel swords with razor-sharp blades and beautiful, hand-forged Damascus steel swords that are museum and heirloom quality – just to name a few. You won’t believe the selection and variety of styles that we have to choose from and all at very reasonable prices for the quality of craftsmanship which you are receiving. Whether it’s a broadsword, sword cane or historical sword, KENNESAWCUTLERY only offers the highest quality products, consistently maintaining a standard of excellence that is unrivaled on the market today!

252 Results
252 Results
27709 Combat Commander Gladiator Sword USD 13 Combat Commander Swords Functional Swords CL1 Category L1 37.99
$36.98 Price reduced from $46.99 to
49311 Kojiro Brownwood Tanto Sword And Scabbard - 1045 Carbon Steel Blade, Wooden Handle, Black Brass Accents - Length 18 1/2” USD 10.01 14 Kennesawcutlery Swords Functional Swords CL1 Category L1 36.98
49822 Honshu Damascus Sub-hilt Wakizashi USD 15 Honshu Swords CL1 Category L1 179.99
33343 Combat Commander Saber Sword USD 16 Combat Commander Swords Military Swords CL1 Category L1 59.99
52227 Night Watchman Sword Cane USD 17 Night Watchman Swords Sword Canes CL1 Category L1 79.99
30275 Pirate Cutlass Sword with Ship Hilt and Scabbard USD 18 Legends in Steel Swords Medieval Swords CL1 Category L1 57.99
16209 Gil Hibben Custom Sword Cane USD 19 Gil Hibben Swords Sword Canes CL1 Category L1 139.99
51508 Shikoto Gentleman's Hook Sword Cane USD 20 Shikoto Swords Sword Canes CL1 Category L1 159.99
49080 Honshu Boshin Midnight Forge Katana USD 21 Honshu Swords Functional Swords CL1 Category L1 129.99
38921 Honshu Boshin HellFyre Damascus Wakizashi USD 22 Honshu Swords Functional Swords CL1 Category L1 179.99
$49.98 Price reduced from $69.99 to
49066 Kojiro Crimson Katana And Scabbard - 1045 Carbon Steel Blade, Cord-Wrapped Handle, Metal Tsuba - Length 41” USD 20.01 23 Kennesawcutlery Swords Functional Swords CL1 Category L1 49.98
50993 Honshu Historic Forge 10th C. Norse Viking Sword - 1080 carbon steel, brown wooden scabbard included USD 24 Honshu Brands Honshu CL1 Category L1 314.99