
Check out all the great products that are on their way out! Browse our latest in fixed blades, pocket knives, swords, and gifts! This is your last chance to get these must-have customer favorites at unbelievably low prices.

141 Results
141 Results
$9.98 Price reduced from $17.99 to
19745 Kissing Crane Medium Brown Mule Pocket Knife USD 8.01 1 Kissing Crane Pocket Knives Traditional Pocket Knives CL1 Category L1 null 9.98
$15.98 Price reduced from $29.99 to
41218 Kissing Crane Genuine Pearl And Stainless Pocket Knife USD 14.01 2 Kissing Crane Pocket Knives Traditional Pocket Knives CL1 Category L1 null 15.98
$49.98 Price reduced from $66.99 to
24041 Hibben Legacy Combat Fighter Knife with Leather Sheath USD 17.01 3 Gil Hibben Fixed Blade Knives Survival Knives CL1 Category L1 null 49.98
$16.99 Price reduced from $30.99 to
27209 Black Legion Cyclone Assisted Open Stiletto Set USD 14.00 4 Black Legion Pocket Knives Assisted Opening Knives CL1 Category L1 null 16.99
$9.98 Price reduced from $17.99 to
27195 Kissing Crane Black Angus Pocket Farmer Folding Pocket Knife USD 8.01 5 Kissing Crane Pocket Knives Traditional Pocket Knives CL1 Category L1 null 9.98
$9.98 Price reduced from $19.99 to
18804 Black Micarta Handle Assisted Opening Stiletto USD 10.01 6 BUDK Pocket Knives Stiletto Knives CL1 Category L1 null 9.98
$16.99 Price reduced from $26.99 to
1079 M7 Bayonet Knife Replica for M16 USD 10.00 7 BUDK Fixed Blade Knives Daggers CL1 Category L1 null 16.99
$49.98 Price reduced from $59.99 to
6079 Arabian Shamshir Warrior Sword & Sheath USD 10.01 8 BUDK Swords Medieval Swords CL1 Category L1 null 49.98
$86.98 Price reduced from $149.99 to
29823 Shinwa SilkFang Handmade Shirasaya / Samurai Sword USD 63.01 9 Shinwa Swords Functional Swords CL1 Category L1 null 86.98
$49.98 Price reduced from $96.99 to
15089 Black Dragon 3-Piece Sword Set USD 47.01 10 Tomahawk CL1 Category L1 null 49.98
Faux ray skin wrapped Tsuka with a dragon embossed tsuba extending to black damascus steel blade that shows Shinwa engraved A black katana encased in a black scabbard with a handle wrapped in faux ray skin A Katana tsuka with black cord wrap with faux ray skin. An up close view of the katana tsuka handle wrapped with a black cord and faux ray skin A close view of a black katana scabbard with a black and gold knob wrapped with a black cord Close view of katana sword handle wrapped with a black cord and pommel etched with detailed lines Zoomed view of katana sword point showing detailed lines and curves of brown on a black damascus steel blade
$89.98 Price reduced from $192.99 to
11336 Shinwa Black Knight Katana USD 103.01 11 Shinwa Swords Functional Swords CL1 Category L1 null 89.98
$16.99 Price reduced from $24.99 to
16306 Timber Wolf Tactical Boot Knife with Clip-on Leather Sheath USD 8.00 12 Timber Wolf Fixed Blade Knives Boot Knives CL1 Category L1 null 16.99